AB 1825/AB 2053 California-Specific Sexual Harassment Training

This course covers AB 1825 and AB 2053 for managers in California, and includes a focus on civility promotion/working in the green. Its practical interactive and targeted approach introduces learners to trending topics and uses innovative techniques to develop their understanding about workplace conduct. Topics are aligned with a company's unique policies to address critical questions like:

  • What are the key California-specific cases and corresponding defenses?

  • What is abusive conduct and how does it affect individuals and an organization?

  • What conduct is considered risky or inappropriate?

  • What are our conduct responsibilities when it comes to interactions with vendors, third parties, and independent contractors?

  • What are the top ten danger zones today, including off-premises conduct, social media, and comments on personal appearance?

  • When and how do we intervene?

  • Why is reporting appropriately so important to you and others?

  • Can complaints be kept completely confidential?

  • What are the consequences and remedies under California law and federal law and a company's unique policies?

  • What are possible consequences if we violate the policy in and outside of the organization?

We are expertly poised to lead California-focused training: Our attorneys in our Los Angles, San Francisco, and Sacramento offices are highly versed in AB 1825 and its regulations, AB 2053, Department of Fair Employment and Housing guidance, and relevant state-specific case law.

David Kadue, a partner in our Los Angeles firm, is a sexual harassment specialist whose writings were cited by the U.S. Supreme Court in the landmark sexual harassment case of Faragher vs. City of Boca Raton. He reviews all courses and AB 1825 and 2053 updates to ensure accuracy.

Seyfarth at Work offers training across multiple delivery platforms including for all states and localities that have required training: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, State of New York, Chicago and New York City.

Taylor Nguyen

Taylor Nguyen is a Squarespace web designer and SEO with 7 years of experience.


Managing for Culture and Success


Civility Promotion and The Road to a Harassment-Free Workplace