Guarding the Vault – Cyber Security Course

In our interconnected 21st century world, organizations rely heavily on data that travels through cyberspace — sent and accessed from myriad locations and electronic tools. No longer is all your data, financial information or other proprietary property safely and securely inside the four walls of your offices. As more and more sensitive and proprietary information moves through our new world of servers and smartphones, social media and WIFI, organizations must be ever more vigilant in its protection. Working closely with your company’s HR and IT Departments, Seyfarth at Work’s Guarding the Vault — Cyber Security Course is customized to identify those risk areas that are most relevant to your particular organization. From using public WIFI and password policies, to using the Cloud and transporting laptops off-premises, this course pro-actively addresses those areas of greatest emerging concern. Through a series of interactive, customized judgment-building scenarios, participants are provided clear guidance on what is considered sensitive versus non-sensitive data, with the use of e-mail, file transfers and encryption processes discussed, as appropriate. Participants also learn of specific potential threats like social engineering, phishing, corporate espionage and on-line fraud, and are provided best practices for recognizing suspicious activity or potential breaches, as well as utilizing internal reporting channels. Protecting against malware and other malicious software is also emphasized. Your company’s IT and technology security policies and system procedures serve as core course elements. Seyfarth at Work’s Guarding the Vault — Cyber Security Course is typically delivered in separate employee and manager versions, with the manager course also emphasizing supervisory/oversight responsibilities, follow-up steps and liability risks.

Taylor Nguyen

Taylor Nguyen is a Squarespace web designer and SEO with 7 years of experience.


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